At this Thanksgiving time, I have to express my thanks to these couples for their marriages. As a result of their marriages, I am who I am!

This is John and Mollie Koleber Margheim, parents of my Dad, Ernest Margheim.
In the photo above are Milo and Nannie Becker Flanders, parents of my mother Ruby Nadine Flanders.

Pictured above are my Dad and Mom, Ernest L. and Ruby Flanders Margheim

Pictured here on their wedding day are Dick and Irene Roberts Jamison, parents of my husband Larry Jamison.
I'm most thankful for my marriage to my loving husband Larry Jamison.
It's because all these people pictured above were married to each other that I am who I am today--Mary Rebecca "Becky" Margheim (Mrs. Larry C.) Jamison. And I'm very thankful!
That's so neat that you have wedding photos of both sets of grandparents. What a treasure!
It's all because two people fell in love
TAG, you're it!
Have a great day!
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