A 'Girlie Girl'. That's what my husband proudly calls me. When I saw these 3 photos of my Grandmas and Great-Grandma, I knew they were 'girlie girls' too. On my wish list are their dresses.

1. Amalia "Mollie" Koleber Margheim, 1902-1986
My Grandma Mollie is standing with my Dad Ernest Margheim and their dog "Ginger" in 1923. I knew my Grandma very well for 36 years and I never saw her dressed in a pretty white lacy dress like this. She sewed her own cotton dresses and the fabric she preferred was always very flowery and colorful. Santa, I'd like to have the pretty white, feminine, fancy dress Grandma's wearing in this picture. Oh, Santa, I'd like to have her hat too!
My Grandma Flanders was married in this dress to Milo Flanders on 18 April, 1906 in Great Bend, Barton, Kansas. I don't remember ever seeing my Grandma in anything but her kitchen apron. She was 60 years old when I was born in 1947 and after giving birth to 7 children, she was just a bit more "round" too. I'd love to have this beautiful white wedding dress that she wore on this very special day! Please, Santa.

3. Emma Cornelia Strait Becker, 1867-1920
I didn't know this Great-Grandma, so I only call her Emma Cornelia--one of my favorite names. She was married to Johann Joseph "Joe" Becker 26 August 1884 in Hodgeman, Ness, Kansas. She was the mother of 9 children, her oldest daughter being my Grandma Nannie Becker Flanders, pictured above, and raised her children on the plains of Kansas. Her life was not easy, nor did she have wealth. But in this picture she looks beautiful to me. I've always felt close to Emma Cornelia--her name seems to sing out to me. So dear Santa, please bring me my Great-Grandma Emma Cornelia's pretty while fancy blouse and black skirt that she's wearing in this picture.
Becky I love this post. I love your, blog, too.
I'm so thankful for my new genealogy friends.
Carolyn Dunlap Franklin
You did a great job with your first carnival. I love the dresses too. Very nice.
I enjoyed studying these old photos. The last two enlarged quite nicely after I clicked on them. Wouldn't you like to have that chair Emma is holding? Thanks for sharing, Bob
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