Since I’m “Mary Rebecca Margheim” in this chart, you can see that Leroy Stieben, my dad’s 5th cousin, was married to Juanita Grace Strait, who was my mother’s 2nd cousin one generation removed. I wrote a blog post about this here:
As I filed this chart in my laptop, I noticed that I already had a chart showing this connection! I looked at my blog postings and noticed that I had written a story about this connection back in October 2012! This is the chart I composed at that time.
Two days ago on Facebook, I awakened to this Memory that Facebook shared with me from 2014.
This is the photo I have in my collection:
And this is the image of the back side of the photo:
I’m grateful that my dad typed this information after interviewing Mrs. Emanuel Flagler. If he hadn’t taken advantage of the opportunity to do that, I’d have no way of ever knowing who this beautiful photograph represented! Notice that Elizabeth Margheim is listed and noted that she married Henry Stieben. So 4 years after I posted this picture on Facebook, I’m again, just this week, reminded of the Stieben Margheim connection that my cousin Kate referred to a few days ago.
A few days ago I received a notification of “Hints” available for my tree at I only had time to review the Photo Hints, noticing that among them was this picture of Elizabeth Margheim, wife of Henry Stieben.
Now this morning I awoke to an email from notifying me of available hints for Leroy Henry Stieben!
So in this past week, (1) I was reminded by Kate Keller of the family connection, (2) I developed a new chart and wrote a new blog post about his connection, then (3) discovered that 4 years ago I’d prepared a chart and wrote a blog post about the same discovery. Then (4) Facebook reminded me of the photo and blog post I’d written 4 years ago with my dad’s photo and description, (5) this week Ancestry offered photo hints and I found Elizabeth Margheim Stieben listed, and (6) this morning Ancestry displays front and center in my email that I have hints to pursue for Elizabeth’s son Leroy Stieben! I think the Stieben, Margheim and Strait families are trying to get my attention. I need to follow up on all the hints available at Ancestry and see what else is waiting for me to discover!
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