What treasures we find on the internet. Pictured here is my mother, Ruby Nadine Flanders, as a teenager (believe it or not). This picture was not in the collection I have from albums of hers, and from my Dad's old family pictures. I discovered it in the collection of photos my second cousin Kate Keller has uploaded to her Ancestry.com family tree. What a thrill it is to browse a relative's family tree and discover a picture of your own Mom! A few days ago I received the color version in an email (out of the blue!) from a gentleman named Major Chance. Kate's sleuthing found him as a resident in Ontario, Canada. He obviously has a hobby of finding interesting photos online and colorizes them for descendants whom he's able to track down. His message in the email to me was that it was his "tribute" to her. I sent him a thank you email, but haven't heard back from him.
The colorized photo is a treasure. A month ago I had never seen this portrait and now I have two copies of it! I'm very blessed! However, Major Chance didn't know that my mother had auburn hair. Very dark auburn---the color of Maureen O'Hara's, if you're old enough to know who she is!
My, you certainly look a lot like her. A lot.
What a kind gesture! I have just sent an old family picture in for restoration and colorization...the photographer estimated the cost at about $30-$45, a sum I am willing to pay because I love the photo so very much. Wow, you lucky lady, congratulations of your new treasure!
Yes, you sure DO look a lot like your Mother! What a treasure...and two in one week!
What a sweet thing for Mr. Chance to do (and is his name appropriate or what?).
The resemblance is striking! I have goosebumps on my arms reading your story. We are fortunate to have so many generous genealogists on the net.
You do look like her Becky, what a "Random act of Genealogy Kindness" that is so wonderful. The photo's are beautiful.
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