Twenty-five years ago this picture was taken of my Mom and Dad, Phyllis and Ernest Margheim. In my mind's eye, this is who I see when I think of my parents. On this 2009 Thanksgiving, I post this tribute to them in tremendous "THANKS!" for everything they were to me, everything they taught me, gave me, and shared with me. I'm thankful that God chose them to be my parents. I was blessed!
This note is with regard to the Margheim story. My grandfather, Jacob Margheim (changed to Markheim) was born in Merkel in 1895 the son of Jacob Margheim and emigrated to the U.S. in 1913, alone, ending up in Wisconsin. His line goes back to Gottlieb Margheim, a gardner from Dresden.. My name is Jim Abbs and I now live in Madison, WI.
Jim, please email me at Becky.jamison5@gmail.com. We are cousins!
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